However, I am simply not able to see my added font Avenir Next in the customizer. Avenir Next Pro is a new take on a classic faceit’s the result of a project whose goal was to take a beautifully designed sans and update it so that its technical standards surpass the status quo, leaving us with a truly superior sans family.
I have also double-checked that the links to the fonts are correct. I am following Tom’s guide for hosting local fonts here, and I have made sure that there aren’t any basic code errors such as trailing commas, etc. I learned a lot from My previous post on a similar issue where I made all the rookie mistakes with self-hosting fonts, but I have learned and grown, and yet still can’t get it to load in the Customizer. we highly recommend to buy it from the author.
I believe that I have done all the necessary steps to load a local font to my child theme, however, it isn’t working for me and I am wondering if it is a caching issue. Download Avenir Font Family for free today We have a huge range of Regular Fonts, WebFont, Desktop Font, Premium font products available.