Prior flight to Manila Airport send us copy of e-ticket, PP, SB and a valid 72hr PCR test to local crew handling agent to secure Immigration approval prior their arrival at Manila Airport Crew Must arrived 8days prior vsl's arrival to conduct Quarantine prior performing PCR testįoreign On signer - 9C Visa will be apply by individual crew at Philippine Embassy in their origin country, local crew handling agent will only issue Letter of Invitation - LOI Must proceed direct to vessel w/in 6hrs from arrival at the airport, as per Green Lane Policyįor Vessel's next port of call is Korea and China Ports in the next 28days as per requirements a negative PCR Test result within 48Hours from date collected to date of departure of vessel by the accredited licensed Covid19 testing center in the Philippines by Korean and Chinese Government.
Local Crew Handling Agent will provide Letter of Invitation - LOI
Updated requirements for crew changes in the port of Manilaįilipino Crew = Subject to RT PCR Test and Isolation prior embarkation (crew must isolate 5 days before their swab test on the 6th day as new guidelines by Bureau of Quarantine - BOQįoreign Crew = -Must have 9C Visa prior arrival in Manila Port, to be secure in Foreign Service Post – FSP.